The Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation Inc. (LGUTEF), is a non-profit corporation organized by representatives of land grant universities that teach tax education programs for professional tax practitioners. Land grant universities were established in 1862 by the U. S. Government to teach “agriculture and mechanics.” They were called “land grant” because the federal government gave 30,000 acres of federal land to each state for each senator and representative. Since 1862, land grant universities have expanded their scope to become major universities. For a list of the U. S. Land Grant Universities go to: See also Isaacs, Roe & van der Hoeven, AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL INCOME TAX EDUCATION OVER THE YEARS: AN EXTENSION PROGRAM OF LAND GRANT UNIVERSITIES .
Annually LGUTEF plans, writes and develops and publishes the “National Income Tax Workbook” which is used to teach Workshops, Institutes, Seminars, and Forums in more than 30 states for over 29,000 tax professionals. The writing/development process includes a planning meeting in February of each year where all Workbook users are invited to evaluate the prior year’s material and suggest topics for the next year. After consensus, we develop the topics – from 12-20 – that will be in the approximate 700 page Workbook for the year.
The planning meeting is attended by most state coordinators and a select few of their key instructors. We share ideas for publicity – what works and what doesn’t work. We share brochures and web site ideas. We discuss the financial issues that our programs face. Also we share administrative successes. Collaboratively we register our courses for accreditation by national organizations where possible.
Coordinate the development of educational materials to support the tax educational programs of Land Grant Universities, and provide a vehicle to share educational materials. Also provide a method for giving professional recognition to faculty and staff who have developed tax education material, and support members in acquiring teaching material and skills and other professional development activities.
Developed in LGUTEF organizational proposal dated Aug. 15, 2001 as objectives.
The Land Grant University Tax Education foundation welcomes new members and associates who conduct tax education seminars in states where LGUTEF is not currently represented.
Advance your tax education at one of our many workshops held across the nation.